115-67 237th Street, Elmont, NY 11003 ExecutiveDirector@wilsonfund.org

Undergraduate Scholarships

The David & Dovetta Wilson Scholarship

Our organization offers nine David & Dovetta Wilson Scholarships annually to eligible graduating seniors from public high schools in the United States. Recipients excel academically, possess a strong record of engagement in civic and religious acts of service, and demonstrate a commitment to use their education to give back to our local, state and national communities.

DDWSF invites all Scholar Recipients into the Wilson Fund family, establishing connections with, and among, cohorts. We work to support our scholars for their entire collegiate and learning journey – through to degree completion and beyond – while always providing our scholars with a platform to lead. Meet our amazing Wilson Fund Scholars here.

For more details or to apply, click here. Our application season is from January 1 to March 1.

Undergraduate Support Scholarship

In 2019, DDWSF Board of Directors established the Undergraduate Support Scholarship – a program designed to provide continuous financial support to Wilson Fund Scholars as they pursue their collegiate goals. Recipients of the David & Dovetta Wilson Scholarship are now eligible to receive additional funds over the course of their undergraduate career.

As of 2023-24, we have awarded over 143 grants to Wilson Fund Scholars attending higher education beyond freshman year – in sum totaling more than $100,000 in financial support. Our deserving recipients provide evidence of their academic achievement and testimonials of their community service on campus.

Interested Wilson Fund Scholars are invited to contact us for more information. The 2024 deadline is April 30th. Only currently enrolled undergraduate David & Dovetta Wilson Scholarship Recipients may apply.

In their own words…

“I am so honored and thankful for all of the generosity I have received from the Wilson Fund! It means the world to me that you guys are interested in supporting my academic endeavors. I can’t wait to stay connected!” Best, Britta

“Thank you so much! Being a recipient of the DDWSF 2019 Undergraduate Scholarship is an extreme honor. This is so helpful as I continue my collegiate career. I am trying very hard to balance my life. It is challenging at times. Thanks for your continued support. It means so much to me. Yes I was contacted and hope I can contribute to the DDWSF . The semester is hectic. I just finished midterms and getting ready for an upcoming production , on top of my class load. But I love it. Thanks again for everything!” Sincerely, Andrew

I would just like to express my thanks and gratitude towards the DDWSF. You all have played an instrumental role in making my first year of college amazing. From receiving that amazing care package to the simple checkup emails, I have constantly felt the unwavering support, and it has meant everything to me. When the Black Lives Matter protest began, I was so thrilled to receive the letter from you all offering support to scholars like me who continue to march for fair treatment and equal rights. No other scholarship fund has been this active in ensuring that I feel their presence. So thank you so much for all that you do!


“I would like to thank everyone in the organization from the bottom of my heart.” – Chris

“I am overjoyed! I’ve been experiencing a lot of change lately: a new on-campus job, surrounding myself with new people. I’ve been putting in the effort to keep my head, but sometimes College can just feel overwhelming beit-mirkahat.com! Nonetheless, receiving this good news has left me feeling so supported. Thank you over and over again for being there for me!” Best, Zaria